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More Seniors Opting for Plastic Surgery

By The Team @ Savannah Plastic Surgery

By The Team @ Savannah Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery in Savannah, GA

Plastic surgery isn't just for the young or the mid-lifers. Recent statistics show more and more seniors are opting for cosmetic surgery. 

According to an article in New Hampshire Magazine, nearly 8% of all plastic surgery in the US last year was done on people over the age of 65. Just four years ago, that number was 5%. 

As baby boomers age, that statistic may continue to grow. Also, advancements in medicine have made plastic surgery safer for older patients than it was in the past. 

The article states that the "most commonly requested surgeries by seniors are liposuction, facelifts, breast lifts, eyelid lifts and tummy tucks. Breast augmentation, forehead lifts, lower body lifts, arm lifts, breast reductions, cheek augmentation, chin augmentation and nose restructuring also make the wish list."

Seniors are also increasingly having non-surgical procedures to reduce wrinkles or bring back that youthful glow to their skin.

If you're over the age of 65 and thought it was too late for plastic surgery, contact us for a complimentary consultation. Our physicians can talk to you about the various procedures available, learn more about your overall health, and help you determine if cosmetic surgery is right for you.