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A Testament of Transformation

By The Team @ Savannah Plastic Surgery

By The Team @ Savannah Plastic Surgery

We know that our work here at Savannah Plastic Surgery is about more than just medical procedures. Whether you come to us for cosmetic or reconstructive surgery, you also come with a story, and sometimes with hopes for a dramatic, life-changing transformation. And we sure do love hearing from our patients about how their lives are changed after surgery. 

Plastic Surgery in Savannah, GA

We recently received a wonderful testimonial from a patient of Dr. Barbara Davies, who had a facelift. "Fortunately for women today, we do not have to suffer self-esteem and depression over aging being irreversible," she writes. "Yesterday, for the first time in 3 years, I wore lipstick. Pink. And it looked beautiful, and I smiled as I cried."

Read her full testimonial below. And if you would like to share your plastic surgery experience with us, we'd love to hear from you. Visit our patient testimonials page, and let us know how cosmetic surgery has transformed your life. 

Thank you Dr. Davies

I am a 54 year disciplined woman who has always strived to maintain body, mind and spirit. I exercise regularly, eat healthy (with a few exceptions), and face the world with a positive outlook. In the past several years, that outlook has been significantly challenged by the premature aging around the area of my mouth. My smiling became less, and I found myself constantly trying to find ways to conceal what I perceived to be embarrassing and distracting from my other physical features that I loved. I had a hard time even looking in a mirror without coming to tears.

Fortunately for women today, we do not have to suffer self-esteem and depression over aging being irreversible. We do have the option of taking control of our lives, and making changes we can embrace that make our quality of life all the more enriched.

 I came to find Dr. Davies from several colleagues who had minor cosmetic work done by her hands. They looked so natural, with subtle changes that enhanced their youthfulness in an age-appropriate manner. After meeting with Dr. Davies, my confidence grew even more that I, too, could have that look. 

My scheduled lifestyle face lift took place on an early Friday morning. The procedures was done, start to finish, by a competent, sensitive, and supportive surgical team. They kept me informed every step of the way, and patiently provided assistance pre and post surgery. Surgery can certainly be a fearful experience, and I have had that myself in younger years. Dr. Davies and her staff welcomed me into a clean and sterile surgical room, and by the time the procedure had been completed, I was just about waking up.

The first 24 hours certainly were "down-time." I was given discharge instructions for care, along with proper medical supplies. By the second day, I was already up on my feet and actively resuming some light dally living activities. Certainly, there is a period of adjustment where one uses common sense about eating soft foods, curtailing stressful activities, and maintaining proper hygiene to avoid infections. And yes, there is swelling, bruising, and a need to wear a facial head wrap for healing.

By the second day, I could visibly see the beauty of my skin changing, and all those imbedded lines and wrinkles disappeared. Somehow the bit of discomfort that always comes from surgery was so worth it, and so manageable, as I was witnessing my own return to youth. Every day became better and better. I felt so proud of my new appearance, that I even went back to work with my head wrap on and some bruising visible. I created such a sensation from coworkers who had known my looks before, and could not believe that such lines and creases could be removed. 

I am now almost one month post-op. I am still wearing the head wrap, but bruising and swelling is fairly nonexistent. Yesterday, for the first time in 3 years, I wore lipstick. Pink. And it looked beautiful, and I smiled as I cried. I proudly went out to dinner with friends, where a gentleman there felt compelled to tell me how beautiful my smile, and ask me what happened due to the head wrap. I could not help but laugh and respond "beauty happened." 

Thank you Dr. Davies for giving me back my self-esteem and confidence. You will never know how deeply appreciative I am of having had the fortune of our paths crossing.

Sincerely, Pamela M.