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Dermal Filler for Your Hands

By The Team @ Savannah Plastic Surgery

By The Team @ Savannah Plastic Surgery

Dermal Fillers & Injectables Before and After Pictures Savannah, GA

As we grow older, our hands often give away our age. They lose firmness and volume, leaving the bones and tendons more visible.
The US Food and Drug Administration has now approved use of the dermal filler Radiesse for hands. Radiesse has long been used as a dermal filler in faces, filling in wrinkles and plumping any areas that have become hollow. The same technique can be applied to the hands as well, adding volume and reducing the bony look, giving you more youthful hands.
This photograph is of one of our patients who used Radiesse to restore lost volume in her hands.

If you'd like to see if you might be a good candidate for Radiesse, contact us today for a consultation