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Plastic Surgery Myths

By The Team @ Savannah Plastic Surgery

By The Team @ Savannah Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery in Savannah, GA

Is plastic surgery only for rich people? Do you need a broken nose to get a nose job?

When it comes to cosmetic surgery, myths and rumors abound. That's why we loved this article from NewBeauty.com, dispelling some of the most common plastic surgery myths.

For example, that nose job question - you certainly don't have to have a broken nose to be a good candidate for rhinoplasty. Some people do get a nose job after having a broken nose, but others just want to change the look of an otherwise healthy nose, or improve nasal breathing. You and your doctor can determine if a nose job is right for you.

Another myth? If you get plastic surgery, that means you're vain. First of all, if there is something bothering you physically and you change it through surgery, that doesn't make you shallow or vain. Also, for some people plastic surgery actually improves their overall health and well-being. For example, breast reduction patients have often suffered from back pain prior to surgery because of overly large breasts. Patients who undergo eyelid surgery sometimes have difficulty seeing because of excess skin around their eyes.

As for the rumor that cosmetic procedures are only for the wealthy - thankfully that one isn't true either. For one thing, there are many procedures that are minimally invasive and therefore generally cost less. Injectables and laser treatments can provide long-lasting results without breaking the bank. And even if you do choose to undergo plastic surgery, there are financing options to make the procedure more affordable. Our staff will be happy to discuss financing with you.

You can read more about plastic surgery myths at newbeauty.com. Or better yet, contact us to schedule a consultation for cosmetic surgery, and have your questions answered by one of our six physicians. We look forward to hearing from you!