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Sharing Their Gifts

By The Team @ Savannah Plastic Surgery

By The Team @ Savannah Plastic Surgery

All of our surgeons have amazing talents and great gifts, and this week several of them are sharing their gifts with deserving patients in Guatemala. Right now, Dr. Barbara Davies and Dr. Dan Deloach are in Guatemala as part of a team of doctors with Faith in Practice. They are performing reconstructive procedures for the local people who could not otherwise afford treatment. They're repairing cleft lips and palates. They're repairing faces that had been scarred in accidents. They're making a real difference in the lives of these people.

On this visit, they've been joined by a non-medical team member who is writing about their trip on the Faith in Practice website. The stories are heart-warming and beautiful, and you can read them all by visiting the blog for this trip. There is a wonderful story about the reunion of Dr. Deloach and a young man whose face was disfigured in a terrible motorcycle accident. Dr. Deloach operated on the young man a year ago, and was able to see the fruits of that labor on this trip.

"Dr. Dan and Adonis' reunion is wonderful to see. There is so much more here than a happy patient and good doctor," says team member Cindy McWilliams on the blog. "The two beam at each other while Dan examines the result of God's work through his hands, and he is pleased."

Dr. Scott Vann is also traveling to Guatemala this week with a second team of doctors for Faith in Practice. He'll perform reconstructive surgeries, and will also visit with the children of the Christ Child's Nest. You can read about his last trip to Guatemala here.

We are so proud of our physicians - proud of what they accomplish here in Savannah, and proud of the unselfish way they share their gifts in other parts of the world as well!

Plastic Surgery in Savannah, GA