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Brazilian Butt Lift in Savannah, GA

The Brazilian butt lift has become the go-to buttocks enhancement procedure. At Savannah Plastic Surgery, we offer this popular treatment option to the residents of Chatham County; Savannah, GA; and Hilton Head who would like to achieve shapelier or more youthful buttocks.

Brazilian Butt Lift in Savannah, GA

What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Brazilian butt lift, or BBL, is a buttocks enhancement technique that uses unwanted fat from elsewhere on your body to enhance the shape and lift of the buttocks. This technique is known as a fat transfer.

While some practices offer dermal fillers for buttock augmentation, BBL is the only way to achieve truly natural-looking results. When fat is removed from another area of the body, the buttocks can be augmented with natural body fat. This creates results that look and feel natural, while simultaneously contouring another area of your body.

Before & After Pictures

Why Choose a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Having a round, firm butt has become a mark of beauty, but not everyone is naturally blessed with this body type. And if your butt is proportionately smaller than the rest of your body, it can affect how your clothes fit and look.

If you want to achieve this look but don’t have naturally round buttocks, a butt lift may be the answer. Whether you have experienced changes in the buttocks due to aging or you'd simply like larger, shapelier buttocks, a Brazilian butt lift can be the perfect solution.

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift?

There are a few important boxes to tick in order to be a good candidate for this procedure:

  1. You need to have excess fat somewhere on your body. This is important because the procedure involves fat transfer, so there needs to be excess fat available for the transfer.
  2. You should be in good general health and at a stable weight. This is important because large changes in weight after having a BBL will affect your results.

The best candidate is someone who’s in good health and isn’t a smoker. They have enough fat available for the transfer and have realistic expectations of what they can expect from surgery.

What Is a BBL Consultation Like?

When you have a surgical consultation at Savannah Plastic Surgery, you’ll meet with a surgeon to talk about your body goals and how we can help you meet them.

This consultation will also involve a physical exam. This helps the surgeon determine what results you can achieve. It’s also important to help them decide where to remove the fat from your body for fat transfer.

If you have any questions about the Brazilian butt lift procedure, a consultation is the perfect time to ask them. They might include questions about:

  • Preparing for surgery
  • The BBL procedure itself
  • The cost
  • Recovery

Having surgery is a big decision, so it’s important to have as much information as you need to make a choice that’s best for you.

How Do I Prepare for a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Preparing for surgery means making sure you’re in the best possible physical shape. This is important because surgery is physically taxing and because it helps your recovery go more smoothly.

If you’re taking certain medications, such as blood thinners, your surgeon may recommend you stop taking them temporarily, before your surgery. This is to reduce the risk of complications such as blood clots.

In addition, if you’re a smoker your surgeon will recommend that you stop before your surgery and not smoke during recovery. Smoking reduces blood oxygen levels, which increases surgical risk, and can impede recovery.

What Is the Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure Like?

When you choose to have a Brazilian butt lift with one of the surgeons at Savannah Plastic Surgery, your procedure will be performed in our surgicenter. This is a state-certified surgery center convenient to Savannah that provides our patients with a safe and comfortable place to have their cosmetic surgery procedures. A BBL is performed under general anesthesia.

In the first phase of treatment, your surgeon will use liposuction to collect excess fat from an area of your body where it’s unwanted—most often the abdomen or thighs. Then the fat is purified and prepared for injection into the buttocks. In the second phase of the procedure, the purified fat is injected into and around the buttocks based on your treatment goals. In all, Brazilian butt lift surgery takes about one to two hours to perform.

What Is Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery Like?

Once your procedure is over and you wake up from the anesthesia, you’ll spend some time in recovery. Most people can go home the day of their surgery but need someone to drive them.

After a Brazilian butt lift, it is common to experience some soreness, bruising, and swelling in the treatment area. This includes the buttocks and the site from which fat was collected. Pain may persist for around five days to a week and can be treated with over-the-counter medication.

In the weeks after surgery, we encourage patients to avoid sitting directly on the buttocks, as this can affect the healing process and impact your results. We may recommend that you take time off work and other activities for up to a week following the procedure. But it is important to get regular, gentle exercise to reduce the risk of blood clots. Your cosmetic surgeon can give you instructions specific to your situation.

Most patients are fully recovered within a month and can then resume normal activity levels.

What Are the Risks and Complications of a BBL?

This procedure has some risks that are common to most kinds of surgery—particularly those involving anesthesia—as well as some potential complications that relate to the nature of the procedure.

General surgical risks include:

  • Reaction to general anesthesia: An allergic or sensitivity reaction to anesthesia is very rare: Between 1 in 5,000 and 1 in 10,000 people. It can be dangerous if it does occur. If you’ve previously had anesthesia with no issues, it’s unlikely you’ll have any problems with future anesthesia.
  • Infected incisions: Affects 1% to 3% of surgical patients. Keep incisions clean and dry, and take antibiotics as prescribed to reduce the risk.
  • Blood clot: Your body’s clotting reaction temporarily increases after surgery, leading to a higher risk of blood clots. Make sure to follow your surgeon’s instructions about resuming exercise and activity to reduce the risk.
  • Hematoma or bleeding: There’s a small risk—under 1%—of developing a major hematoma after surgery.

Possible complications of the Brazilian butt lift procedure include:

  • Fat embolism is a rare but potentially fatal complication of procedures involving fat injection. It occurs when fat enters the bloodstream.
  • High level of fat necrosis (cell death) may mean the results aren’t as expected.
  • Buttock asymmetry may result from uneven necrosis or healing.
  • Skin numbness is a possible result because tissues may be repositioned when fat is injected. This repositioning may affect nerves and cause temporarily reduced sensation.

Your consultation is the perfect time to discuss any questions you have about potential complications, but the plastic surgeons at Savannah Plastic Surgery are available any time before and after your procedure as well.

What Brazilian Butt Lift Results Can I Expect?

The results from the Brazilian butt lift will fluctuate in the days following treatment. Not all the fat transferred to the buttocks will survive. This is normal. After a few weeks, your results will settle and become visible. You may experience some initial swelling as well.

If you are not satisfied with your results, additional treatment sessions may be necessary. Once you’re happy with your results, they will be permanent, although large changes in weight may affect your shape in the future, so it’s important to maintain a stable weight.

How Much Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Cost?

The cost of a Brazilian butt lift at Savannah Plastic Surgery can range from $5,000 to $8,000. The exact cost of your treatment will depend on your treatment goals and the extent of treatment necessary to achieve those results.

During your consultation, we’ll discuss these factors with you, develop a personalized treatment plan, and give you an exact treatment cost. To learn more about your payment options, including financing, see our financing and insurance page.

What Are My Financing Options for a Brazilian Butt Lift?

At Savannah Plastic Surgery, we offer patients a number of different payment options, including:

  • Care Credit® and Alpheon® financing
  • Checks and cash
  • All credit cards

Because the Brazilian Butt Lift is purely cosmetic, no insurance carriers provide coverage for this procedure.

Learn more about your payment options here.

To learn more about this body contouring procedure or to schedule your consultation at Savannah Plastic Surgery, contact us today. We welcome patients living in Savannah and the surrounding areas of Chatham County, including those in Brunswick and Hinesville, Georgia and in Bluffton, South Carolina.