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Breast Reduction in Savannah, GA

A breast reduction procedure can be extremely beneficial for a patient's physical and mental health. If you are seeking breast reduction services in Savannah or the nearby areas of Chatham County, GA, you can trust Savannah Plastic Surgery. 

Breast Reduction in Savannah, GA

What is a Breast Reduction?

A breast reduction is a surgical technique that removes excess skin and fatty tissue from the breasts to correct them to a size that is more comfortable and proportional to the body. Having breasts that are particularly large can have a number of negative effects. You may consider a breast reduction if you are experiencing any of the following:

  • Breasts that are too large for the frame of the body
  • Shoulder, back, or neck pain due to the weight of the breasts
  • Inability to perform certain exercises or activities due to breast size
  • Self-consciousness or dissatisfaction in the appearance
  • Nipples that point downwards

No matter your reason for selecting a breast augmentation, Savannah Plastic Surgery is prepared to help you get the best results possible. We even specialize in male breast reduction for patients who are experiencing symptoms of gynecomastia.

Before & After Pictures

How Much Does a Breast Reduction Cost?

The cost of a breast reduction at Savannah Plastic Surgery can vary, but is often covered by health insurance. The exact cost of your treatment will depend on variables that include your treatment goals and the extent of treatment necessary to achieve those results. During your consultation, we will discuss these factors in order to develop a personalized treatment plan and provide you with the exact cost of treatment. We can also determine your eligibility for health insurance coverage at this time. To learn more about our insurance policies or your payment options, please refer to our financing and insurance page.

Am I A Good Candidate for Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction can be performed for patients of all ages who are experiencing any of the symptoms above. However, it is recommended to wait to have a breast reduction until the breasts are fully developed. Additionally, it is important to note that pregnancy and breast feeding can have significant effects on the breasts. For this reason, patients are also encouraged to put off a breast reduction procedure until they no longer plan on having children. Some patients, however, choose to have a breast reduction beforehand, and deal with the effects of pregnancy at a later date.

What is the Breast Reduction Treatment Like?

The breast reduction procedure is performed in our surgicenter and begins with using the appropriate anesthetic, ensuring that our patients receive a safe and comfortable treatment. The surgical approach for a breast reduction typically involves three specific incisions:

  • An incision underneath the breasts, along the natural crease
  • An incision around the areola of the nipple
  • A vertical incision that connects the incision around the areola to the incision underneath the breasts

After incisions are made, we will remove excess skin, tissue, and fat to reduce the size of the breasts. Thanks to the incisions around the nipple, we are able to resize and reposition the nipple so that it rests naturally in the center of the breasts. In most cases, the preservation of sensation and the ability to breastfeed is possible. After these steps are complete, the incisions will be closed and drainage tubes will be inserted. We will apply gauze to the treatment area and cover it with a surgical bra.

What is the Breast Reduction Recovery Like?

After a breast reduction, you can expect to experience bruising, soreness, and fatigue for several days. You will be required to wear a surgical bra for several weeks until swelling and bruising diminishes. Beyond this, it may take a few months for the sensation and size of the breasts to return to normal. Patients are required to sleep on their back following treatment, and any lifting, exercising, or other strenuous activity is prohibited during the healing process.

What Breast Reduction Results Can I Expect?

The results from the breast reduction procedure will be noticeable immediately, but it may take a few weeks or months for all swelling to subside and for the full results to become visible. Once the breast augmentation procedure is performed, the results are permanent. However, as stated previously, future weight gain, pregnancy, or breastfeeding can affect the results of your breast reduction. We often encourage patients to wait until after having children to receive a breast reduction.

To learn more about the breast reduction procedure or to schedule your consultation at Savannah Plastic Surgery, contact us today. We welcome patients from Savannah and the surrounding areas of Chatham County, including those in Brunswick, Hinesville, and Bluffton, Georgia.