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Tummy Tuck in Savannah, GA

If you would like to achieve a flat, firm and sculpted stomach, then you may want to consider a tummy tuck procedure at Savannah Plastic Surgery. We offer this effective body contouring solution to the men and women living in Savannah and the nearby cities of Chatham County, Georgia.

Tummy Tuck in Savannah, GA

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a body contouring approach that eliminates loose skin and excess fat in the stomach to produce a firmer and more defined abdominal region. The abdomen is the number one most common problem area for men and women of all ages. For many, this area continues to be a problem area despite diet and exercise. Fortunately, the tummy tuck makes it possible to address this area once and for all. Whether you are struggling with stubborn fat or loose skin, the tummy tuck procedure can help you achieve your body transformation.

Before & After Pictures

How Much Does a Tummy Tummy Cost?

The cost of a tummy tuck at Savannah Plastic Surgery can range from $4,150 to $10,700. The exact cost of your treatment will depend on variables that include your treatment goals and the extent of treatment necessary to achieve those goals. During your consultation, we will discuss these factors in order to develop a personalized treatment plan and provide you with the exact cost of treatment. To learn more about our insurance policies or your payment options, please refer to our financing and insurance page.

What is the Tummy Tuck Treatment Like?

The mommy makeover procedure is performed in our surgicenter with the appropriate anesthetic techniques. We make sure you are entirely safe and comfortable during the procedure. As treatment begins, we will make incisions along the waistline and in the belly button. From here, we will remove excess fat using liposuction to slim the stomach. Then, we will tighten the abdominal muscles to improve muscle definition. Finally, we will eliminate and reattach excess skin to produce natural-looking results. There will always be scarring with surgical procedures, but we make every effort to use the fewest incisions possible and minimize scarring. The tummy tuck procedure typically takes a few hours to perform.

What is the Tummy Tuck Recovery Like?

After a tummy tuck, patients are usually able to return home the day of their procedure, but are recommended to take at least one or two weeks off of work and other activities. During this time, it is common to experience bruising, swelling, and varying discomfort in the abdominal region. It is important for patients to get as much rest as possible in the weeks following their treatment. Additionally, patients will have to avoid exercise, heavy lifting, and other strenuous activities for at least a month after their procedure.

What Tummy Tuck Results Can I Expect?

The results from the tummy tuck procedure will become visible as the body recovers from treatment. The advanced surgical techniques involved in the tummy tuck procedure make the results surprisingly long-lasting, with most patients enjoying their results for many years. However, it is important to note that any future changes in weight or body composition will have an effect on your results. For this reason, we encourage patients to maintain healthy diet and exercise habits following their treatment.

Contact us today to learn more about the tummy tuck procedure or to determine if you'll be a good candidate for this treatment. Savannah Plastic Surgery welcomes the residents of Chatham County, GA, and the nearby areas, including those in SavannahBrunswick, Hinesville and Bluffton, Georgia.