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Excess Skin After Weight Loss

By The Team @ Savannah Plastic Surgery

By The Team @ Savannah Plastic Surgery

Tummy Tuck in Savannah, GA

If you've experienced a major weight loss, then you deserve a big congratulations! Shedding unhealthy weight makes you less susceptible to chronic illness, and probably makes you feel better about your appearance too.

But depending on the amount of weight you lost, you may have noticed an unwanted side affect - excess, sagging skin. Your skin may not have enough elasticity to snap back into place after a major weight loss.

Not only can the extra loose skin make your clothes uncomfortable, it can also create some medical problems. All those folds of skin can lead to excessive perspiration and uncomfortable skin rashes.

If the excess skin is around your waist, then abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) can be done to remove the extra skin and give your mid-section a much tighter appearance. Other procedures can also be done to remove excess skin on your arms, neck and other areas.

The patient in this before-and-after picture had a major weight loss, and used cosmetic surgery to remove sagging skin.

Tummy Tuck Before and After Pictures Savannah, GA

If you would like to see if plastic surgery can help you complete your body transformation, contact us today for a consultation with one of our physicians.